At NaTakallam, we connect you with talented language tutors from around the world, offering not just top-quality online language learning but also deep cultural insights. In this letter, Marije, a NaTakallam Language Partner, welcomes you into the heart of Venezuela, inviting you to learn Spanish along the way. Dive into her story and discover how learning Spanish online opens doors to new cultural perspectives and connections.
I come from a place where the yellow of the sun is as beautiful as the gold that we mined.
I come from a place where the blue of the sky is as beautiful as blue as of the beaches of our coast.
I come from a place where your friend’s children are your nephews and nieces; a place where every time you enter and leave the room you ask for your parents’ blessing.
I come from a place where every time you pass in front of a church you make the signs of the cross.
The Land of Joy and Happiness
Even on bad days, here you can find joy in people.
This is a land of joy and happiness.
Where we have the nicest climate – the eternal summer as I call it.
We have beaches, mountains with snow lakes, forests, jungles, one of the biggest mountain ranges (the Tepuys) around the world, the world’s highest waterfall, El Salto Ángel, and so much more to be grateful for.
Marije, Spanish Language Partner with NaTakallam since 2019
The Emotional Power of a Single Word
One of the nicest words that we have in Venezuela is naguará (nawara); an expression packed with emotion. Naguará means a lot of things. It can be used in an exciting situation, a sad situation or an angry one. When you see the El Salto Ángel or you’re exhausted from hiking the Tepuys or your favorite football team is losing: “naguará, wow”. Its meaning depends on the tone of your voice or the context of the conversation. It is a word widely used in the regional dialects at the center and on the coast of the country.
Venezuela is a place, with a people, a language, and a culture I want to share. Working with NaTakallam has given me the opportunity to meet people all around the world. I’m able to teach my students the great things about my country and my culture; my language is a blessing.
Connection Made Possible Through Language
When I share with my students, I realize that they can identify with me. When they learn Spanish and the deeper meaning behind the linguistics, they become more familiar with my language and culture, even when they’re in their own countries. I see them seek out new experiences, like trying out a Venezuelan restaurant to discover more and taste our food.
I think I cannot explain in words how excited and happy I feel about what it means to me, to be able to touch my students’ hearts and make them love my language and identity. To listen to them using the expression naguará to tell a story of their own is an amazing feeling. In every “naguará” spoken, my language and culture come alive, bridging the gap between worlds, and reminding us that joy, identity, and connection know no borders.
This post is part of the “Letters from our Language Partners” series, where NaTakallam Language Partners share their unique stories, cultures and experiences through the lens of language learning and connection. Want to immerse yourself in a new culture or learn a new language from native speakers? Book a session with one of NaTakallam’s expert tutors and connect with a community that brings language and culture to life.